Are you curious about how to convert your pool to saltwater? You're not alone. Many pool owners are switching to salt, and it's not as complex as you may think.
Read MoreRecently we published an article about how to backwash DE filters. Monthly backwashing is a great way to keep your filter in good shape, but over time as dirt, grime, oils, etc. begin to buildup on your grids, you'll need more than just a backwash.
Here in Maryland, our pools are closed for about 5 - 6 months of the year, so giving your DE filter a full cleaning and inspection once a year is recommended.
The sand in your sand filter needs to be replaced every 3-5 years. Over time the sharp edges of the sand particle become worn and rounded, and the ability to capture contaminants is diminished. If you need a sand change, you will notice that your pool water is not as clean, and the interval between backwashing is shorter and shorter.
Read MoreThe pool filter is one of the most important yet often overlooked pieces of equipment within your circulation system. A filter doesn't require electricity, and there aren't many moving parts, but what it does have is pressure. Every pool filter has a pressure gauge, and by understanding how to read the pressure gauge, you will be able to see a snapshot of how your pool system is doing as a whole.
Read MoreYour pool needs good circulation to keep the water clean. Good water circulation helps your pool's sanitation system, your filter, and your added chemicals do their job.
Read MoreThe pump basket is located in the pump housing assembly, and its purpose is to collect large debris that the skimmer missed or debris that was sucked through the main drain. This humble basket prevents debris from entering the pump assembly and clogging the impeller.
Read MoreThe pump is virtually the heart of your swimming pool's circulation system. Its sole purpose is to pull water from the pool through the skimmer and main drain. The water is then pushed through the filter and returned to the pool through the main returns. Just like the equipment for your home needs attention, the equipment for your swimming pool also requires routine maintenance. Let's take a look at some easy steps that will help keep your pool's pump in prime condition.
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