Are you curious about how to convert your pool to saltwater? You're not alone. Many pool owners are switching to salt, and it's not as complex as you may think.
Read MoreThe pool filter is one of the most important yet often overlooked pieces of equipment within your circulation system. A filter doesn't require electricity, and there aren't many moving parts, but what it does have is pressure. Every pool filter has a pressure gauge, and by understanding how to read the pressure gauge, you will be able to see a snapshot of how your pool system is doing as a whole.
Read MoreThere are three types of pool filters: cartridge, sand, and DE (diatomaceous earth). Sand and DE filters use a multiport valve to help clean or backwash the filter media. Multiport valves are called multiport valves because they have multiple ports inside the valve that allows the water to move in multiple directions.
Read MoreYour pool needs good circulation to keep the water clean. Good water circulation helps your pool's sanitation system, your filter, and your added chemicals do their job.
Read MoreThe pump is virtually the heart of your swimming pool's circulation system. Its sole purpose is to pull water from the pool through the skimmer and main drain. The water is then pushed through the filter and returned to the pool through the main returns. Just like the equipment for your home needs attention, the equipment for your swimming pool also requires routine maintenance. Let's take a look at some easy steps that will help keep your pool's pump in prime condition.
Read MoreWith fall approaching, this is the time to plan on upgrading your pool cover. It's common for pool owners to put off investing in a good quality cover. After all the pools being closed for the winter, what real difference does it make?
Read MoreWe've talked before about the top 2 best ways to extend your pool season with a gas heater or a heat pump. But if your not ready to shell out that kind of cash there are other ways that you can extend your pool season. The best part is you don't have to break the bank.
Read MoreLiving in the DC metropolitan area, there is no question that our swim season seems to always be cut way too short. Here we have the top 2 best ways to extend your pool season. We're talking extending your swim season by months! Who doesn't want that?
Read More"Filtration, filtration, filtration!" Another critical piece of equipment for maintaining clean, safe pool water is your filter. The filter helps keep the pool clean by removing undissolved debris and dirt particles from your pool water.
There are three types of filters available: sand filters, cartridge filters, and D.E. filters. Each one has its pros and cons, but when used properly, any of the three will do its job of keeping your pool clean and clear.
Read MoreThe pool pump is the heart of your swimming pool's circulation system. It creates the flow of water that allows chemicals to circulate evenly throughout your pool and is instrumental in effectively sanitizing your water, and it moves debris through the circulation system and out of your pool.
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